17:14 Heleen Bij De Vaate finishes as 4th lady
17:12 The brons medal goes to Germany, to Ulrike Schwalbe
17:10 Marsika Kramer-Postma takes the silver medal
17:08 Catriona Morrison also extends her world title in the ladies race.
16:52 The first age grouper who crossed the line, is the French athlete Jeremy Boulogne
16:50 With one lap to go, Catriona Morrison is leading the race, followed bt Mariska Kramer
16:45 The top-10:

1 Joerie Vansteelant
2 Bart Aernouts
3 Lino Barruncho
4 Anthony Le Duey
5 Justin Hurd
6 Kris Coddens
7 Pascal Schuler
8 Koen Maris
9 Olivier Mott
10 Wim Nieuwkerk

16:43 The 4th place goes to Anthony Le Duey
16:41 The brons medal goes to Portugal, to Lino Barruncho in a time of 3h21’28"
16:39 Youngster Bart Aernouts takes the silver medalin a time of 3h19:10
16:35 We have a world champion !!!
Joerie Vansteelant extends his worldtitel in a time 3h15’05"
Do we need to say that the Belgian supporters are getting crazy here in Geel
16:28 Justin Hurd, 5th in the Iron China, is also running in 5th position here in Geel
16:26 3km to go for Joerie Vansteelant
16:26 Lino Barruncho took back his 3th place on 7’13"
16:22 Bart Aernouts is running the same pace as Vansteelant. So the gap remains 4’30"
16:18 Only one lap, only 4,5km separates Joerie Vansteelant from the victory in Geel. The supporting people in Geel are getting very excited
16:12 Barruncho is also catched by the chasing group. They all went into T2 now
16:07 Bart Aernouts is the second man on T2, 4’38" behind Joerie Vansteelant
16:02 Joerie Vansteelant rides into transistion now. His performance is really impressive. Joerie was the world champion here in Geel also as a U-23 in 2004. 
16:02 Mariska Kramer has 1’10" on Michelle Lee.
15:58 Joerie Vansteelant is coming towards the centre of Geel. He has more than 3′ on Bart Aernouts.
15:44 The big chasing group is now on 7’50" behind Joerie Vansteelant
15:42 The number 3 in the race is still Lino Barruncho. His is riding 6’22" behind Vansteelant
15:39 Bart Aernouts just started his last lap, 3’08" behind Joerie Vansteelant
15:38 Miek Vinke is making her comeback after a heavy injury. She is now in 5th position on the bike
15:35 Joerie Vansteelant is flying. He just started his last lap on the bike
15:32 After 2 laps, Mariska Kramer is leading the womans race with 28 seconds on Michelle Lee
15:30 Sergey Yakoloev is catched by the group of Koen Maris
15:22 Mariska Kramer is riding away from her opponents. She has beaten a gap of 8" on Michelle Lee and Catorina Morisson. Murphy is already 1’45" behind Kramer. Ulrike Schwalbe is already 2’25" behind Kramer.
15:16 Yakolev is at 5’38" behind Vansteelant. He will be caught by a big group with Koen Maris leading that group.
15:14 Lino Barruncho is still in 3th position, but he is already 4’30" behind Joerie Vansteelant
15:12 Some pre-race and start pictures are available in the pictures section
15:11 Bart Aernouts also passed in the city centre on 1’40" behind Vansteelant
15:10 Joerie Vansteelant just passed through the city centre of Geel. He started his 3th lap
15:08 Anja Buysse and Veerle D’Haese are batteling for the title of first Belgian lady. But Miek Vyncke is on her way back
15:04 The gap between Joerie Vansteelant en Bart Aernouts is now 1’15"
15:01 The first woman have finished their first lap. Mariska Kramer has closed the gap and took over the lead . Michelle Lee and Catriona Morisson are in 2nd and 3th position
14:55 Lo�c H�lin and Dereck Treadwell are out of the race
14:49 Pascal Schuler and Anthony Le Duey arestill  riding in 5th and 6th. Koen Maris is chasing the 2 French athletes.
14:47 Lino Barruncho (the number 2 in Geel in 2004) is still riding in 3th position. Sergey Yakolev is still in 4th position
14:45 Vansteelant has completed his first lap on the bike and  is leading the race with 43 seconds on Bart Aernouts
14:40 Joerie is nog riding really hard. He is getting away from Bart Arnouts and had now a gap of 40 seconds on Aernouts
14:35 Joerie Vansteelant is leading with 12 seconds on Bart Aernouts, 50 seconds on Barruncho and 1’25" on Yakolev
14:30 Michelle Lee and Cheryl Murphy came into transition side by side. The 3th lady is Mariska Kramer, 25" behind the 2 leaders
14:27 Pascal Schuler and Anthony Le Duey are riding in 5th and 6th position, 2’45"  behind the leaders.
14:24 After 4km on the bike, Joerie Vansteelant is leading with a gap of 10 seconds on Bart Aernouts, 27 seconds on Barruncho and 40 seconds on Yakolev
14:21 A gap of more than 3 minutes, and a big group of about 15 athletes are running into T1 now
14:18 The first athletes are running into transistion now. Vansteelant has a gap of 9 seconds on Barruncho, followed by Bart Aernouts and Sergey Yakolev
14:14 Barruncho is closing the gap with Vansteelant down to 3 seconds. But Vansteelant reacts and is accellerating again
14:13 After 3 laps on the run, Michelle Lee and Cheryl Murphy are leading the race. Mariska Kramer is in 3th position, 30 seconds behind the leading ladies
14:10 An attack of Joerie Vansteelant. He is running away from his opponents and has beaten a gap of 5 seconds
14:03 The leading group is keeping up the pace very high. The have a gap of 1’22" on 2 chasing French athletes.
13:49 After 2 laps, Joerie Vansteelant has taken the lead in the leading group. The have a gap of 40sec on a group of 3 French athletes.
13:43 4 men are leading the race now. Barruncho got companie of Bart Aernouts, Joerie Vansteelant and Sergey Yakolev. They have about 50m on the chasing group.
13:40 In the ladies race, Michelle Lee is taking the lead before Mariska Kramer
13:34 After one lap, the Portuguese Lino Barruncho has taken the lead. Barruncho is about 10 seconds upfront on a chasing group of 7 athletes with the Belgian athletes Bart Aernouts and Jourie Vansteelant
13:20 And they are started. The male elite athletes are away for 4 laps on the run, 4 laps on the bike and another 2 laps on the run.
The agegroupers -40 are started 2 minutes behind the elites, the female athletes another 2 minutes later
13:15 Good afternoon web visitors. We are sitting a few meters away from the starting line. With less then 5 minutes to go, the pro athletes are presented to the audience.
The start will be given at 13:20 sharp.