Nadat twee atleten op de fiets met elkaar in botsing kwamen tijdens Ironman 70.3 Barcelona, is één van hen overleden. Aanvankelijk kreeg de atleet nog medische hulp en is diegene ook naar het ziekenhuis vervoerd, maar daar liet hij een paar uur later het leven. De andere atleet maakt het goed. Hieronder het officiële statement van Ironman:
“It is with our deepest regret to confirm the passing of a participant at the Ironman 70.3 Barcelona triathlon. During the bike portion of the race, two athletes were involved in a crash. One of the athletes suffered a significant medical event and received medical care on site before being transported to a nearby hospital where they continued to receive treatment. Despite best medical efforts, the athlete passed away a few hours later.”
“We share our deepest condolences with the athlete’s family and friends and will continue to offer them our support at this difficult time.”
“The other athlete, who was also transported to the hospital for evaluation and treatment was released with non-critical injuries. We wish them a full a speedy recovery.”
“We thank the safety personnel and first responders who worked quickly to provide both athletes with medical support.”